How to customize Filter Menu for ComboBoxColumn inside the grid
The below event and function will help to customize Filter Menu for ComboBoxColumn to User defined values in a Grid.
The below codes will populate the Filter ComboBoxColumn with values "Yes" / "No" instead of deafault value "Checked / Unchecked"
The below Event is raised which will enable the cells editors displayed within the auto filter row cells to be initialized.
//Event to be raised
Grid.AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize +=new ASPxGridViewEditorEventHandler(gvSubstitutions_AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize);
// Function to replace the text Checked /Unchecked wiht Yes/No in the filter of the ASPxComboBox column
protected void gvSubstitutions_AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize(object sender, ASPxGridViewEditorEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.FieldName == "Active")
(e.Editor as ASPxComboBox).Items.Clear();
(e.Editor as ASPxComboBox).Items.Add("Yes", true);
(e.Editor as ASPxComboBox).Items.Add("No", false);
Labels: AutoFilterCellEditorInitialize, combo box column in devexpress grid, ComboBoxColumn, customize Filter, How to customize Filter Menu for ComboBoxColumn inside the grid